This code is free for public use in any non-commercial application. All other uses are restricted without prior consent of the author, Kerry Shetline. The author assumes no liability for the suitability of this code in any application.
Any further distribution of this code, and products generated using this code, must include these terms of use, and all original copyright information and attributions of credit provided herein. Any product substantially similar to Sky View Café created using this code must, if publicly distributed, be explicitly cited as a derivative of Sky View Café. Any alterations of the Sky View Café source code, if publicly distributed, must be cited in code comments as modifications from the original Sky View Café sources.
The source code includes simple Mac OS X and Windows build scripts, but these scripts will likely have to be manually edited to change source and tool paths in order to function correctly. All text files in the source archive are ISO-8859-1 encoded. With the exception of the Windows .bat file (which uses Windows CR/LF line endings), Unix (LF) line endings are used.
The code here has been targeted to run on Java 1.6 or higher.
Some classes included in the source code (KPasswordField, for example) are not used in SVC, but are included because they are part of my general code library.
Starting with SVC 5.7 the software uses a custom "look and feel" which is mostly original to SVC, but with some parts derived from JGoodies "Plastic" look and feel. Some of the icons used here come from, or have been adapted from, the collection of icons found at, including nearly all of the national flag icons displayed by SVC's geographic search feature.
The character "Duke" (the graphic used near the top of this page) is a trademark of Oracle, Inc.